
Once when I was little girl in Auckland I was dragged up on stage to perform with Ray Columbus, who was BIG in New Zealand at the time. It was not my finest moment...

hey just uploading this for...fun...and to see if u guys like it xD
ummm yeah....



remember care bears? i was thinking about them while i drew this. that's why i look like a preschooler.

my brother's band just finished up their EP and it's amazing, so i'm illustrating them for the zine. they're called walk the earth. they've been around for a while (their myspace page is fair outdated), but my brother's the new lead vocals. he has killer chops.

they're a hardcore screamo band, so i'm going to try not to think of care bears while illustrating that. their first gig (with the new line-up) is on at the arty next month. i'll let you know the details.

soo... my first gig. i'm pretty sure it was bon jovi! i'm struggling to remember anything but the gold leather pants. i was there with my dad and ... yep, pretty much just the gold leather pants.

... but tighter.


cool album covers from long ago

a cool dude enjoying the groove


my first gig................................................................................
i was sixteen, thank god i've always looked about five years older then i really am because it was an over eighteen event. me and my perpetually wasted friend chris bought a ticket each for the now popular 'DRAGONFORCE'...........................
though i no longer listen to them i still remember it as an intense experience. the dank, cramped, sweat injected smell of the hi-fi bar coupled with an array of metal heads, bikers, trendy folk and me...................................................................
definitely a night to remember, that is until i blacked out after being headbutted in the face...................................................
i can't wear sunglasses now because the guy broke my nose and there's a little bump that forces them to either sit too high or too low, but that's another story altogether...........................

THIS is me..yeah
the USB cans are supposed to be UDL...its a long story...well a tually not xD

social identity 101

'The Currency' was the name the first generation of Australians born to settlers and convicts gave themselves. They were also referred to as 'natives'; indigenous Australians in those days were simply known as 'blacks'. 'The currency' came about because the young workers demanded wages for their labour. As their parents were mostly ex-convicts the establishment hadn't thought it necessary to pay them for their work.

The first mob of white Australians developed a distinct and strong identity, identifying with the Irish underclass and the itinerant working class, in opposition to the ruling elite (the English) who they referred to as nobs. The currency prided themselves on being hard workers, independent, honest, sporty (they took particular pride in beating the English at games), physically active, and liberated from the social niceties governing polite society. The 'larrikinism', the mateship, the physicality and the cheekiness of the the anti-establishment 'Aussie battler' stereotype is easily traced from this early sense of selfhood.

Clearly it was a masculine sense of identity but there were currency lasses as well since it was usually necessary for women of this class to earn their own living or support the family while their men worked away from home.

more ideas for content: RSVP!!!

We can draw pics of each other - with our subject's permission of course - for the Contributors' Corner section. Kindly, flattering, airbrushed and photoshopped portraits of each other might be fun. Or do caricatures of your band members/artists.

Post any muso/banjo jokes - the cornier the better.

These ideas are a bit naff so come up with better ones.

My First Gig

The first music venue I remember going to is the Seaview Ballroom in St. Kilda, sometime in the early eighties. I remember drinking cider because it was cheap and got you drunker quicker, but perhaps because of this I don't seem to remember which bands I saw, and in what order. It could have been The Dead Kennedy's, The Laughing Clowns, The Strange Tenants, Plays With Marionettes (?), or any other band that has now fallen into a slough of obscurity. It probably wasn't any now lauded Australian Alternative Rock band like the Birthday Party, The Saints or The Triffids, because by the time I was rolling around on St. Kilda venues' sticky floors they had buggered off to London to make their fortunes. (That went well.) I remember other musical shitholes now renovated or demolished: The Chevron, The Punters Club, Le Club Foote; The Palais still stands like a corroded rock in the middle of a sea of renovation. I saw New Order at the Palais in 1984; they bored me rigid.
Could everyone please let me know what was the first concert they ever went to and what was the first album/cd they ever bought - this is for our Contributors ' Rockwizz Moment page.

Could everyone share a disgusting domestic memory from childhood or more recent times to add to our sealed section - Disgusting Domestic Secrets - this can be handed to me in hard copy if you wish to remain private - let me know if you require anonymity!

Could everyone let me know their ideas for articles and general zine content - suggestions very welcome as then we will know what to illustrate. I will write something about our bands/artists and think of some other stuff to write.

Also we are doing self portraits to go with the Contributors Corner - these should be uploaded to the blog.

This will be myself-portrait for the zine...............
How is everyone?
Wishing to everyone a goodOUTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!